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Semican HullFree Oats Turcotte (50 lb)
Our Hullfree oats Turcotte are GMO FREE. They are all kernels and no bulky, indigestible hulls. They contain 30 percent more calories per pound than conventional covered oats. The calories are cool, clean burning, energy from a combination of oil and starch. They are perfect for the hardest working athletes and picky eaters. More energy in every mouthful using less feed and reducing the risk of colic or fewer off feed days associated to high carbohydrate diets. These oats are dust free, loaded with healthy antioxidants and irresistible to horses.
100% more Fat
40% more Protein
50% more Lysine & Methionine
30% more Phosphorus
Our oat was named in honor of Canada born jockey Ron Turcotte, Triple Crown Winner and member of the Hall of Fame with the legendary Secretariat, Mr. Turcotte accepted be our spokesperson for this oat throughout the racing horse circle in all countries of the Americas as well as the Middle East.